
"Most could not believe how inexpensive it is.  Our guys had fun with it - some are already talking about buying one for the kids - I think they really want it for themselves."5/25/08 mike fetcho

"Everybody loved the brake - great idea and very will thought out.  The canted rear wheels really hold the windward wheel on the ground - I wasn't able to get the wheel off the ground & I tried - believe me.  This is very good for safety and also performance - popping that wheel spills wind and slows the forward thrust.  The seat belt is great - blokart finally put a similar one on the new karts - very good selling point.  Shows quality thinking.  I found that it tends to spin out rather than tip, but I didn't spin it even once - probably due to my sailing ability, but also because those tires really grip well.  They seem to wear pretty well too. " 5/25/08 mike fetcho

"I love the thing.    I sailed it for about 4 hours and am whipped today - it's a great work out." 5/25/08 mike fetcho

"I think the seat is far superior to the sling type seat on the blokart." 5/25/08 mike fetcho

It took me a very short time to adjust my thinking to foot steering, but I'm now a believer - it's very responsive and everybody that tried it loved it.  5/25/08 mike fetcho

"People can brag all they want about high wind speeds, but in light air I was the only one moving, and I had a kid on my lap!"8/3/08 charles neuman

"We received the Land Chasers today and put them together.  They are
wonderful.  We fooled around with them - going down the driveway and
around the cul-de-sac.  We are looking forward to the weekend and
hopefully some wind out at the dry lake bed near Primm.
Thanks so much for sending them so fast."
Beth and Charles

"I'm so impressed with the design of the Chaser.  For an old timer, for anyone who really loves sailing, the standard cart is ideal.  The "bendy" mast is pretty forgiving of wind overloads:  Loads that might exert too much stress on the cart, or might exceed the skill  of the sailor.  And the standard kart is ideal for those of us who must sail in deserted parking lots.  I'm truly impressed, and we're starting to get some attention from people driving by.

By the way, my grandson took a short movie of me sailing in gentle breezes in a school parking lot. And old man ( 89 years) loving it.  I'll send it to you."

Charles Carlin, South Bend, Indianna